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P. 51

Weight Training for Athletes

   I was fortunate enough to at-          we have several students that play                      gan State University, there are several
tend a conference over the weekend        multiple sports. There really is no                     reasons why weight training is so
with high school strength coaches         off-season for these kids, so it doesn’t                important for athletes:
from all over the state of Michigan.      make sense to train an athlete just
The National High School Strength         for football when they are going to be                          1 It helps reduce the inci-
Coaches Association (NHSSCA) put          playing more than just football. This                   dence or severity of injury
on their state conference at Grand-       also ensures that everyone is on the
ville High School where I got to listen   same page and lessens any confu-                                2 Improvements in overall
to several coaches talk on several        sion in the weight room as far as what                  flexibility
topics. One of the main topics that I     that specific athlete should be doing
really enjoyed talked about making        that day. We need to steer away from                            3. Healthy, efficient body com-
the weight program at your school a       training for specific sports and just                    position
unified program. What this means is        train as athletes. Also, athletes need
that we don’t just train for football or  to train year round. After about 5                              4. Increased resting metabo-
basketball, or any specific sport. No      weeks of not training you start to lose                 lism
matter what sport you play, the train-    everything that you worked so hard to
ing is the same for everyone (boys        get. So, can you take the summer off                            5. Creating more power
and girls). Especially in this area,      from weight training? No, the program                           6. Increased bone mineral
where the school sizes are smaller,       needs to be year round to be effec-                     density
                                          tive.                                                           7. Improved glucose metabo-
                                             According to Ken Mannie, head                           Strength training is one of the most
                                          strength/conditioning coach at Michi-                   effective ways available for enhancing
                                                                                                  athletes physical health and perfor-
                                             WE’VE BEEN                                           mance on the field. In addition to the
                                             HELPING PEOPLE                                       positive physical outcomes, weight
                                             GET BACK ONSIDES                                     training can also benefit the mental
                                             SINCE 1928.                                          health of an athlete by decreasing
                                                                                                  symptoms of depression, increasing
                                                                       AMANDA LANGMAID            self-esteem, and improving cognitive
                                                                       is a proud sponsor of the  abilities.
                                                                       USA Community Sports         So, if you are a high school athlete
                                                                                                  and you want to be better at whatever
                                                                                                  sport(s) you play, you have to put

                                                                                                       in the work. You can’t just go
                                                                                                       through the motions and expect
                                                                                                       to improve. Work hard, put in
                                                                                                       100% effort, practice, and get in
                                                                                                       the weight room. There are so
                                                                                                       many people that think profes-
                                                                                                       sional athletes are born success-
                                                                                                       ful. In reality, they put in a ton of
                                                                                                       work to get where they are.

                                          Personal attention. Great rates. Call today!            Jon Ligrow
                                                                                                  Ligrow’s 24 Hr Fitness
                                                 989.670.7362                                     ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer
                                                                                                  ISSA Certified Strength and Con-
                                                         Amanda Langmaid Agency                   ditioning Coach

                                                               Your Local Agent

                                                               8855 S. Unionville Rd
                                                               Sebewaing , MI

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