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3 Musts to Maximizing Your Greatness

William Barclay once said, “There are two great days in a man’s life.  The first is the day he was born and the second is the day he finds out why.”

I couldn’t agree more. The fact that you and I have life is in and of itself amazing.  Yet, what is more amazing is the day we discover why we have been
given  that life.  It is then that the flame of our smoldering flame of our souls begins to burn with a reverent fire.  A fire that when it burns hot and
bright is a difference maker in not only our own lives, but in everyone around us.

Sadly, too many of us are satisfied with smoldering hot coals that burned out long ago.  According to Daniel Pink in his book, Drive: The Surprising Truth
About What Motivates Us, over 80% of US workers report they are dissatisfied and disengaged with what they do every day for work.  You know the
kind;  These are they with the mantra, “TGIF Baby!” Or worse, “When I retire…………………...than I can really do what I want.”  (Sad sigh)

This type of attitude will keep you and me stuck in a perpetual state of “Good Enough” and stuck on the level of “Mediocrity”.  We are not created to
live lives of mediocrity.  We have been created to live a life of greatness.  Our greatness.  The potential that God gifted us when He breathed life into
our souls. 

Here are 3 musts that you will need to realize and sustain the seeds of greatness within you. (This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but one that can
get you started.) 

Passion: Ask yourself what you are deeply passionate about.  What do you care about more than anything and are willing to devote your life’s mission
to? Passion in the Greek means to suffer. What are you willing to suffer for? The answer to that question is your deep passion. Stick to things, people
and causes that ignite your soul. When presented an opportunity that does not ignite your passion, kindly pass.
Practice: What are you good at?  I mean, intrinsically good at?  Comes to you naturallly.  Are you willing to put in the time, effort abd energy that it
would requires to become the best you can be?  Moving from good to great requires sacrifice.  A mindset that consistently strives to become better. 
Even when noone is looking or when noone seems to care.  

Process:  Are you willing to go through what you need to go through? We live in a world that is filled to the brim with distractions.  Have you ever found
yourself on Facebook and realized that an hour had passed? Yikes!That is simply time wasted. Escaping “good enough” and moving into the area of
greatness requires that we develop a process for getting there. 

I won’t lie to you.  Moving into your greatness requires sacrifice.  It’s hard work. It takes commitment and dedication to who you are authentically and
what you want, not what someone else tells you you should want.  

When you get tired, and you will, remind yourself of the alternative; A life of mediocrity. I shudder at the thought and I am pretty confident you do

                            Julie Carr

Go get your greatness! Trainer | Facilitaor | Speaker | Author

                            M  (989)325-0636  E  W 

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