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Failure is a Gift
By Joe Stewart
Mission 1 Fitness and Performance
“If you’re not failing, you’re not try- No matter what anyone says, that going to be hard to take an honest
ing hard enough.” kid will always remember that day, look at your own flaws. It’s not real
that lift, and that feeling. Yep, over a fun to talk about all of the things
I can’t remember who I first heard stupid deadlift. we’re not good at. However, if you
this from or if I should be crediting can honestly look at your weak-
someone for that quote. What I can Now, we will have to see how nesses and find responsibility in your
remember are epic times of failure this plays out over time, but I have a failure then you’ve given yourself a
in my life. Pivotal moments in history strong feeling that this whack with the shot to grow as an athlete and a hu-
that have carved from me the very humble stick is going to push this kid man. You have laid the framework to
character I have today. Failures in back into the gym with a laser type set goals and define tasks to achieve
sports, school, work, life, relation- focus. He is going to train harder the goals.
ships; you name it, I’ve failed it some- with more attention to detail. He will
how. evaluate his lifestyle outside of the Failure builds resiliency in kids.
gym and his recovery methods. He As adults, coaches, parents, men-
Last week I had a kid in my gym will look back at the last training cycle tors, etc. it is our responsibility to let
who has been working his tail off in and wonder missed days or skipped our kids experience failure. Teach
the weight room. He had it set in his reps and think if that would have got them to understand how to evalu-
mind that he was going to deadlift him the extra pounds. He will not be ate their responsibility in failure and
500 lbs. The week before he pulled happy again until he lifts that 500 lbs set goals to prevent that experience
450 lbs, which was a new personal rack of iron from the Earth and let’s from happening again. In athletics,
record and he was dead set on 500. out a victory cry. especially team sports, it can be far
He has been wanting 500 for the last too easy to point the finger at your
3 years. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t time Then one day this kid is going to coach, the ref, or teammates for a
yet. grow up and be one of the adults that loss. I am willing to wager that win-
does something in the world. He’s ning programs have a leader who is
Now, I had a pretty strong feeling going to get knocked down by the humble and teaches self-responsi-
that he was not going to make that random things in life that knock you bility. Resiliency will lead to success
500lb lift. From a training standpoint, down. And he’s going to get back inside and outside of the arena of
it just wasn’t time. 500lbs doesn’t up and climb higher and higher and athletics. Ultimately, it will lead to
give itself to you. The barbell doesn’t higher. And then one day he will adults that are successful, produc-
just lift itself because you want to pass this resiliency on to other kids tive, and contributing to our world.
say you have a 500lb deadlift. Some and they will do the same.
coaches may not even let the attempt If you are a fan of success you
happen. With any other athlete I may Moments of failure provide an have to fail more often.
not let it happen either. I’ve worked opportunity. An opportunity to do a
with this kid for a long time. I know thorough self-inventory of what led Train hard. Train smart.
his body and he knows his body. I you to fail. This is pretty difficult for
trust him, he trusts me. I also know a lot of people. If you have a big ego
that there have been more than a and are an insecure person then it’s
few times he has performed feats of
strength that I did not think he would
accomplish. So we took the lift.
He failed. The bar barely budged.
He tried again. The bar was flex-
ing like a noodle but the end plates
were stuck on the Earth. Gravity was
strong that day.
This hit him pretty hard. He was
visibly upset. Not mad, angry, yelling
type of upset. Like my girlfriend just
dumped me types of upset. Like my
dog was just hit by a tractor upset.
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