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P. 12
Coaches corner Kathy Moore
Coaches Corner
activity? What have you learned from partici-
pating in the sport/activity?
Kathy Moore I wouldn’t say I idolize anyone in par-
Teamwork and communication are
8th Grade Volleyball Coach/JV Soft- ticular, but I do enjoy watching other both things that make a volleyball
team run smoothly and also a great
ball Coach coaches and taking tips from how they life lesson. You can be successful
as a person but most people have
Caro Community Schools do things and I enjoy watching and help, teamwork. For a volleyball
team communication is key, talk-
Patrick G. Moore-Husband of 26 learning different drills and styles from ing to each other is one of the most
important things on a court and one
years different teams. I love to go to SVSU of the most important things you can
Sydney Moore-Daughter volleyball matches and I’ve really been do in your life.
What do you like most about the
Austin Moore-Son lucky to go to a few Michigan Volley- sport/activity?
ball matches. “Go Blue”. It always Teaching the girls the sport I love.
Being able to pass on the love of the
How long have you participated in amazes me the teamwork that a col- game is one of the things I like most
about being a coach. Team sports
this sport/activity? lege volleyball team has. It’s always are unique teaching everyone to
work together for the common goal.
I’ve been a volleyball coach at Caro a goal to get my team to that sense of Being a coach of a team is a great
since my son Austin was a baby so family. What is your favorite moment?
about 21 years. I started out as the Have you met anyone famous in the There are many moments that I
have kept close to me. The first time
7th grade coach and then moved to sport/activity? a player makes a block at the net,
that look on their face is priceless. A
8th Grade when my daughter Syd- When my daughter was a senior in first spike that is untouchable by the
other team. The first time the team
ney went from 7th to 8th grade. So I high school and on the Caro Varsity gathers together in the middle of the
court to tell each other that they did a
was able to coach her for two years. team I was asked to drive some of good job no matter what just hap-
pened. Those are all some of my
Which was a privilege that I enjoyed. them to Cornerstone University to hear favorite moments.
One tip for someone looking to get
Before I was hired as a coach I had Misty May-Treanor speak. I didn’t ac- into this sport/activity?
played volleyball myself since high tually get to meet her but it was a great Always be open to learn yourself.
Listen and learn while you teach.
school. opportunity to hear her speak. She’s There’s always more that you can
learn as a coach and as a person as
What do you love best about it? such a successful volleyball player, I
long as you listen.
I enjoy seeing the girls “get it”. We mean she’s an Olympic Gold medalist. Are there any other activities you
spend a lot of time in the gym to- Also, last year I was able to attend
Softball. I have played it for years
gether during the season. My favorite the MIVCA (Michigan Interscholas- and enjoy the game very much. I re-
cently became the JV softball coach
part is when they achieve a goal that tic Volleyball Coaches Association) for Caro and have enjoyed the young
they set for themselves at the begin- workshop with Coach Bob Tobey, ladies I’ve been able to coach.
Where can we find you in the off
ning of the season. In 8th grade our Coach Jen Bailey and my asst. coach season?
goals are small but are large in our Sydney Moore. We were able to go to Coaching and playing Softball. I
hearts. Nothing makes me prouder a workshop where Cathy George, the also coach JV softball for Caro and
than when someone that couldn’t MSU volleyball coach, went over differ-
serve overhand in the beginning of ent drills that we could use as well as
the season but can by the end. spoke to us about volleyball.
Thinking back over the years, who is Where does your team normally prac-
a mentor or coach that helped you tice?
grow as a coach or athlete? What We have the privilege of practicing
made them special? in the newly remodeled Caro Middle
My high school varsity coach was School Gym. It’s a great facility and
Karen Michalak she always had a we are very lucky. New bleachers,
way of making you want to be bet- new floor our school is a pretty nice
ter, for her for the team, for yourself. place.
When I was put on the varsity team What Awards have you won??
in high school I was young, I always We are middle school volleyball there
looked up to the older players on are not a lot of awards given at this
the team, I would say they were my age, but when a parent comes up to
mentors as well. I never wanted to me after a game and lets me know that
disappoint them. I enjoyed playing they appreciate all the things I have
with them and learning from them. taught their athlete that’s winning in my
Wanting to learn helped me be a bet- book. That people that don’t play the
ter athlete and watching how Mrs. Mi- sport can see the improvement from
chalak coached help me to become the stands. We can see the improve-
the coach I am today. ments in the athlete’s games with each
Who do you idolize in the sport/ match, that’s my award.
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