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Fight Like A Girl
                                                    by Hannah Boyl

    On September 29th, we held    or number of repetitions com-     use, but no strict judging and
a ladies only fitness competi-    pleted would determine their      the movements could be fur-
tion at Mission 1 Fitness and     ranking and contribute to their   ther modified if necessary. Our
Performance. This was a breast    overall score. A rank of 1st      goal was to make this an event
cancer fundraiser event as well.  would be 1 point, 2nd place, 2    where anyone who wanted
We ended up raising a substan-    points, and so on. At the end of  to could come show support
tial amount of money for a local  the day, the team with the low-   through participation. Just like
woman battling breast cancer      est number of points was our      in our regular classes, every-
through registration, conces-     winner.                           one was welcome, and every-
sion sales, t-shirt sales, and a                                    thing was scalable.
silent auction. The community         I would say that the best
was more than generous in         part of the day is that we fig-       There was some real com-
donating their time, money, and   ured out how to include every-    petition going on that day! All of
silent auction items.             one. There were 16 teams that     our teams worked hard but at
In August we announced that       attended; a full house! Nine of   the end we only had three po-
we would be holding a fitness     those teams were from Mission     dium places and three prizes to
competition at Mission 1. We      1, but seven of the teams came    award. Our team coming in first
were searching for teams of       in from other gyms or weren’t     place was “Kim Squared” (Kim-
two in the surrounding com-       affiliated with any gym at all!   berly Hooton & Kimberly Mc-
munities that would be will-      We had a “RX” division which      Caslin) and second place was
ing to participate in a 3-event   was judged on specific move-      “My Mom Made Me Do It” (Lisa
competition. Each team would      ment standards to be consid-      and Mackenzie Koski) both
participate in all three work-    ered for prizes. Even our RX      teams from Redefine Fitness in
outs at a scheduled time with     division was structured to let    Saginaw. Third place was team
the workouts lasting anywhere     those who may not feel com-       “Kel-Bell” (Kelly Stoick & Marcy
from about 10 to 25 minutes.      fortable in larger competition    Campbell) from Mission 1.
Each workout contained 3-5        scenes feel confident that they   We were thrilled to have so
different movements that were     could participate and do well.    many teams register despite
split between each teammate.      We also had a “scaled” divi-      the fact that signing up for a
Depending on the structure of     sion. For the scaled division,    competition can be intimidating.
the workout, the team’s time      there were recommendations        I really hope that those in atten-
                                  of movements and weights to       dance were able to recognize

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