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Coaches corner Jeff Ryan

Name:Jeff Ryan              sport/activity? Wrestling  in 2014, and I was a two
Sport/Activity: Wrestling   teaches you about life,    time state medalist for
School / Community: San-    how to fail and how to     marlette in the 80’s.
dusky High School           achieve goals.
Family: Tanya and Logan                                What have you learned
Ryan                        Have you met anyone        from participating in this
                            famous in this sport/ac-   sport/activity? It is the
How long have you par-      tivity? I’ve seen many     hardest sport you will
ticipated in this sport/    michigan HS wrestlers      ever participate in.
activity? Started wres-     become great college
tling in 1985 and started   stars( Gabe Dean and       What do you like the
coaching in 1992.           Mike Ellsworth whom I      most about the sport/
                            wrestled against in HS).   activity? Seeing young
                                                       wrestlers grow into good
What do you love best       Where does your team       high school wrestlers.
about it? The kids build-   normally practice? San-
ing their confidence.       dusky Maple Valley         What is your favorite mo-
                            School .                   ment? The time I spent
Thinking back over the                                 as a high school wres-
years, who is a mentor      Have you traveled any-     tler, and the comradery I
or coach that helped you    where special related      had with my team mates.
grow as a coach or ath-     to this sport/activity? I
lete?  What made them       have traveled nationally   One tip for someone
special? Lenny Zigler,      with my daughter and       looking to get into this
was my hs coach at mar-     other area wrestlers.      sport/activity: Go all the
lette, and my mentor                                   way, dedicate yourself,
coach. his calm demean-     What awards or honors      acheive your goal will
or and way he worked        have you won? Head Re-     be hard, but being hard
with the kids.              gional Coach of the Year   is what makes wrestling
                            in 1999, and asst coach    great.
Who do you idolize in this  of the year for Sandusky
                                                          Are there any other
                                                          activities you love?
                                                          Wrestling it’s what I

                                                       Where can we find
                                                       you in the off season?
                                                       In the wrestling room.

                                                       Anything else you
                                                       think we should know
                                                       about you? Nothing
                                                       other than I love the
                                                       sport and the kids.

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