Page 24 - SFM DECEMBER GOOD 2018 copy 2.indd
P. 24
Speed and Agility
When it comes to sports programs and the off-season there is always a fo-
cus on weight lifting and getting stronger. This is great, but I think that there
is more to getting better at your sport than just getting stronger. First of all,
nothing will make you better at your sport than actually playing the sport. For
example, if you are a basketball player and want to get better, then playing bas-
ketball is the best way to improve. A good program should also include training
for speed, agility, and conditioning. If we can make our athletes faster and stron-
ger, they will turn into a more well-rounded athlete. All athletes can benefit from
improved balance, quicker feet, and a faster reaction time.
I have been going to our local high school and working with the physical edu-
cation classes on speed and agility and I also run a class at my fitness center
for athletes in grades 7-12. We focus on quickness, speed, and agility. After talk-
ing to all the coaches at our school, I have also been working with all the sports
programs at the school and starting some of their practices with some speed
and agility work as their warm up. The coaches all support and see the impor-
tance of adding speed and agility to their program. Whether it’s wrestling, bas-
ketball, or volleyball, speed and agility will help our athletes get better. Another
thing that I have noticed, is that doing these drills, in a circuit fashion, has also
been good for their conditioning.
If you are interested in attending my class or want some one-on-one training
contact me and we can set something up. Strength training is good for our ath-
letes, but if we can incorporate strength training with speed, agility, and con-
ditioning our athletes will be better off and less susceptible to injury. Strong is
good, but strong and fast is better.
Jon Ligrow
Ligrow’s 24 Hr Fitness
ISSA Certified Trainer
ISSA Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach
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