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The Weight Cut Hannah Boyl
Wrestling season is and refueling strategies. the off-season.2 If a last-
There is also evidence minute weight loss strat-
upon us which means the to suggest that chronic egy is needed the athlete
topic of weight cutting weight cycling can af- may implement at low
is bound to come up in fect strength gains dur- residue/fiber diet, salt re-
some context or another. ing the season and in- striction, or fluid manipu-
Whether you’re an ath- crease injury risk. lation but only for 48-72
lete attempting to make hours before competition
weight, a parent of an Many of the conse- and with an adequate
athlete, or someone with quences related to RWL rehydration and refueling
an opinion on whether or can be attributed to protocol.3
not this practice should dehydration. There are
be allowed in sport, it’s numerous ways that Not only must you have
being talked about. dehydration acts on the a weight management
body. (For more informa- plan, but also a rehydra-
Rapid weight loss tion on this, read last tion and recovery plan.3
(RWL) is a common month’s article or con- When the athlete is re-
method of weight reduc- tact me.) It is hypoth- covering, there should
tion in order to meet the esized that dehydration be at least 75% of the
requirements for weight can increase the risk weight lost during the cut
classes. Unfortunately, of concussion as well. restored before competi-
there have been some This should be an im- tion begins.2 Consump-
negative psychological portant factor to take tion of carbohydrate-
and physiological effects into consideration when electrolyte beverages
documented in relation to planning weight loss and simple carbohydrate,
RWL.1 Negative psycho- and recovery for ath- salty foods can help the
logical effects include a letes. body recover adequately.
decrease in short term A moderate amount of
memory, concentration While there are known protein (20-25g) will help
and self-esteem, and an consequences to repeat with muscle repair as
increase in confusion, weight cuts for sport, well as enhance fluid ab-
rage, fatigue, and depres- this doesn’t seem to sorption and tolerance in
sion. These outcomes be something that will the stomach.4
can have adverse conse- be going away anytime
quences when it comes soon. That being said, Be smart about your
to competition perfor- it is important that we weight cut. Have weight
mance. A lack of short- are choosing the best loss and recovery plans
term memory may inhibit options for cutting and in place to make sure
the ability to remember refueling. your level performance
coach instruction and is at its very best. If you
decrease in the ability to A weight manage- need assistance in ensur-
concentrate could allow ment plan should be ing weight cuts are done
for the athlete to become developed in the off- correctly or have ques-
easily distracted. Physio- season. Ideally the tions about how to re-
logically, performance in athlete is reaching and cover before competition,
both aerobic and anaero- maintaining a weight seek advice from a nutri-
bic space can decline de- that is within 3-4% of tion professional.
pending on the refeeding competition weight in
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