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Coaches corner
Padgett VanHoutteghem
                                   for me in Cass City.  She was the    SVSU for the most wins.  We
Name: Padgett VanHoutteghem        girls varsity coach and she was      went to Nationals and made it
Sport/Activity: Basketball         looking at me when i was in 7th      to the finals. Ive been to nu-
School / Community: Bad Axe        and 8th grade.  She was an amaz-     merous pro games and college
Family: Dr jim, Logan, Grace       ing person and coach.                games.  I love going to womens
husband is a chiropractor, logan   Lloyd Schinner (not spelled right)   games. I was able to spend
is 16 and grace is 14              - He is a Bad Axe native that went   time in Connecticut and meet
We moved to bad axe when the       to U of M on a basketball scholar-   the womens coach and some
kids were young due to my hus-     ship. His first year at Cass City    of the players that went on to
bands practice being there or i    he brought me up to Varsity as a     Pro.  The current womens bas-
woul dhave loved to coach at my    freshman.  He coached me all four    ketball coach at CMU was my
home high school                   years and was helpful in teach-      assistant coach at SVSU. She
                                   ing me and getting me to set my      is having amazing seasons at
How long have you participated in  standards higher. He was crucial     Central.
this sport/activity?               in getting me a full ride scholar-   Where does your team normally
I was born with a basketball in    ship for basketball.                 practice?
my hands!  always loved the        Who do you idolize in this sport/    We practice at the high school
sport. Played constantly grow-     activity?                            Have you traveled anywhere
ing up.  Hung with the boys be-    stephen curry- loves GOD and is      special related to this sport/ac-
cause girls didnt want to play     an amazing role model                tivity?
ball.  Spent hours up at the cass  Pat Head Summit-                     I played in Kansas at Hayes
city park playing pick up games    i watch games constantly and find    States University for a year and
with the boys.                     myself assessing the coaches         traveled all over.  We played
                                   more than the players at this        Colorado, Nebraska, It was
What do you love best about it?    stage of my life.                    just an amazing experience to
Its my favorite sport.             coaches play such a key role in      have everything paid for and be
                                   athletes. they can make or break     treated with such respect.  I am
Thinking back over the years,      a young athlete and sadly ive        very grateful for the experience.
who is a mentor or coach that      seen both.                           What awards or honors have
helped you grow as a coach or                                           you won?
athlete?  What made them spe-      Have you met anyone famous in        I’d have to go up in the attic
cial?                              this sport/activity?                 and dig out the exact articles.  I
Kally Maharg was a huge mentor     Many athletes along the way.  I      believe i made all conference
                                   believe we still have the record at  first team all four years of high

                                                                        school.  State honors and
                                                                        various other awards in high
                                                                        I still own the most points
                                                                        scored for high school girls
                                                                        basketball in cass city
                                                                        What have you learned from
                                                                        participating in this sport/ac-
                                                                        Basketball was my life line.  It
                                                                        allowed me to go to college,
                                                                        get an education, travel, and
                                                                        learn a whole lot about life
                                                                        during that time. So for me it

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