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Coaches corner Have you traveled anywhere
special related to this sport/
Jon Ligrow activity? Yes. For my Dad’s
retirement we took him to
Name: Jon Ligrow me playing golf. I remember Pinehurst, North Carolina.
Sport/Activity: Golf when I started playing in We were able to play Pinehu-
School / Community: Cass High School and chose the rst #2, where Payne Stewart
City less popular golf over foot- won the U.S. Open. It was a
Family: wife Laura, daughter ball. The support I got from great experience. I have also
Rylie (10), son Mason (7), my family was awesome. been to Pebble Beach, but
daughter Ella (5) never played the golf course.
Who do you idolize in this Every year my Dad, brother,
How long have you partici- sport/activity? Payne Stew- and myself go on a golf trip
pated in this sport/activity? art was my favorite golfer to play a nice golf course
I have been the varsity golf growing up. Back when here in Michigan. Arcadia
coach for 3 years now, but I the Buick Open was still Bluffs, Forest Dunes, and
have played my whole life. being played in Michigan Bay Harbour are among my
at Warwick Hills, I got the favorites.
What do you love best about opportunity to see him play
it? I love coaching and before he died. Now, there What awards or honors have
watching the kids get better are so many good golfers you won? When I was in High
throughout the season. Each it’s hard to just choose one. School, my senior year we
team is different and I get to won our Regional to go to the
make lots of memories each Have you met anyone fa- state finals. That year I also
year with the kids. mous in this sport/activity? won the MVP and the Cap-
I have been to several PGA tains award.
Thinking back over the events and got to watch
years, who is a mentor or several professional golfers What have you learned from
coach that helped you grow play. participating in this sport/
as a coach or athlete? What activity? Golf is a skill sport
made them special? My Dad Where does your team nor- that takes a lot of practice
and my brother were both mally practice? We prac- and patience to be good.
tremendous supporters for tice at Rolling Hills in Cass You will never hit every shot
City. perfect, but golf is a game of
recovery. How you recover
after a bad shot will
determine how well you
play your round.
What do you like the
most about the sport/ac-
tivity? That it is always
you against you. The
work you put into this
game will be a direct
reflection on how you
score. You can’t blame
a bad shot/round on a
referee or a coach.
14 • Sports Finest Magazine May 2019 989 545 0735