Page 31 - SFM MAY 2019 copy 2.indd
P. 31
situations in a college environment. your family will be responsible to pay attribute I look for in recruits, definitely
Over time, experience and overall for your education. Let me empha- varies from coach to coach but this
maturity becomes a tool and acco- size this, your athletic performance, is my most important. I would rather
lades that can be fell back on when no matter how good you are 99% of have an average or below average
you’re at big stages of competitions, the time will not be enough to simply athlete who constantly works hard and
such as a Conference or National walk into any school you want. You puts their teammates before them-
meet, where I definitely see a number must have adequate grades to be ac- selves than the best athlete in the
of these young athletes qualifying for cepted as well as hit certain standards country. Hard work is the product of
in the next two-three years.” for teams and academic programs. overall WANT and NEED of achieve-
Please spend time in the classroom ment. That trait in an individual is not
What advice would you give to the and work just as hard as you do on the always easy to find, but when pres-
high school athlete who is thinking track and the field. ent, success is eminent in their future
about playing at the next level? 2) Communication! If you are going because there is no other option but
Being in the collegiate system through the recruiting process with a achieving the goals that they have set.
as an athlete and now as a coach, coach or multiple coaches, you need
I’ve seen and learned a lot about to have superb communication skills.
what it takes to be an athlete and to Recruiting is essentially a long term
be a great athlete. Thoereticaly, any- interview for a job. A coach is looking
one can go on to collegiate athletes. to see if you are going to be an attri-
There is multiple programs from NAIA bute to his/her program. You’re given
to NCAA DIII, DII, and DI schools that the same opportunity as well, interview
have athletics that are always looking the coach as well, your decision on
for athletes. where you are continuing your educa-
Here are a couple things if tional and athletic career should not
you want to be recruited to college be taken lightly, you’re determining the
athletics.. next 4-5 years of your life!
1) Grades! You need to have aver- 3) Hard Work/Selflessness! These
age to above average grades, this two are by far thee most important
will determine how much you and/or