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drove in Ziel, and Rabideau scored on outstanding, but we mustn’t neglect to swallowed the competition. The com-
McKenna Slough’s grounder, when the mention the importance of the entire munity was there to send the team
fielder chose to make an attempt at team. Senior Samantha Ayotte, and off, and welcome them home after
Rabideau at home. Juniors Nevaeh Hendricks, Cecilia each big win. Even rain and darkness
An obstruction was called at the Ramirez, and Maddie Olds were couldn’t damper their
plate, registering the eighth and final always ready to step in when the
run for the Cardinals. That however, team needed them. With exuberance enthusiasm when they lined the
didn’t conclude the offensive attack. and positivity, they set the tone in the streets of small-town Millington to
The Cardinals kept coming at them, dugout and contributed to every single receive their State Champions.
through the 7th inning, and, when all win. The post season also gathered
was said and done, Leah Denome had several JV players and their coach, As for head coach, Greg Hudie,
recorded three singles and a double. Rae Zink, who were happy to support and his assistants, Pennie Roehl and
Darrien Roberts had a home run. Gab- the Varsity team. They showed up to Gina Ziel, they are basking in the glow
bie Sherman had three singles and practices, and boasted the loudest, of the gold medals, but only for a little
an RBI. Madi Hahn had a double, a most intense dugout imaginable. while. Their Cardinal Travel Teams
single, and two RBI’s. Sydney Bishop Those included runners Ashley Ziel are preparing to take the field, and
had two singles and an RBI. Sabrina and Leah Coleman, along with Kay- prepare for next year’s run for the
Gates had two singles and an RBI. leen Ramirez, Sandra Jones, Summer title. It has been an incredible joy and
Elizabeth Bees had two singles, and Mauk, Emma Dickie, Dylan Holmes, privilege for them to have worked with
Mckenna Slough added single and an Falon Wilson, and Shannon Ziel. such a sensational group of young
RBI. It was a total team effort. women.
Behind every great group of stu-
The Cardinal defense was stel- dent athletes comes a huge support Without a doubt, the 2019 Milling-
lar behind the arm of Sherman. All system. The success of the Millington ton Cardinals Varsity Softball Team
three outfielders, Trinity Fessler, Leah Cardinals Program is a direct reflec- has left its legacy. They have also
Denome, and Darrien Roberts, made tion of the involvement of its families, paved the way for the school’s young-
great catches and protected the green. its coaches, and its community. The er players, and set a true example
Madi Hahn, McKenna Slough, Sabrina vision of a sea of red has never gone of positive leadership and teamwork.
Gates, and Hannah Rabideau man- unnoticed. Wherever the Cardinals The future is bright for Millington,
aged the dirt. Sydney Bishop called a went, their fans followed, and they thanks to the efforts of an unforget-
fantastic game, and led the defense table 2019 State Championship Team.
from behind the plate.
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