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Coaches corner you won? Won some tour-
naments and a District title
David Weiler while playing Basketball at
Name: David Weiler Who do you idolize in this What have you learned from
Sport/Activity: Basketball, sport/activity? I don’t idol- participating in this sport/
Youth Baseball and Football ize athletes, they put their activity? Put in the work and
School / Community:Cass pants on one leg at a time good things will happen.
City, MI just like everyone else.
Family:Wife Heather. Kids: What I do idolize is someone What do you like the most
Ashtyn, Rylie, Amelia, Griffin that puts in the work to be about the sport/activity?
better every day whether The competition and being in
How long have you partici- its sports or anything that the gym
pated in this sport/activity? you are passionate about.
Lifetime.. What is your favorite mo-
Have you met anyone fa- ment? Seeing athletes
What do you love best about mous in this sport/activity? achieve their goals
it? When the light in the Have met several athletes
athletes eyes light up, they over the years. My favorite One tip for someone looking
finally figured it out. to talk to is Greg Hardin he to get into this sport/activ-
is the Senior Executive Ath- ity: Get a ball in your hand.
Thinking back over the letic Director at University
years, who is a mentor of Michigan. Google him he is Are there any other activities
or coach that helped you very interesting. you love? Hunting, Fishing,
grow as a coach or athlete? Golfing, really anything out-
What made them special? side with friends and family.
My High school basketball
coach John Guttowsky he Where does your team nor- Where can we find you in the
made me so much better mally practice? Gyms that off season? Most likely at
mentally strong which has are available or outside the Baseball fields
carried over into LIFE.
Have you traveled anywhere Anything else you think we
special related to this should know about you? I
sport/activity? Attend lots try to teach life lessons
of games all over the state while coaching its not about
a mistake made I am always
What awards or honors have more worried about the re-
sponse to the mistake. Hav-
Coaches Corner is sponosored ing a positive attitude and
by Cook Gm Super Store and being a good teammate.
in Vassar. The Coach will “Life is 10% what happens to
recieve a FREE Oil Change, you and 90% how you react
some restrictions apply. to it” John Wooden
Thank You Cooks and Our
Coach of the Month.
14 • Sports Finest Magazine JULY 2019 989 545 0735