Page 33 - SFM OCT 2019 copy 7.indd
P. 33

Being a Great Teammate

     Are you a great team-       dards on and off the court/      good they are. Instead, great
mate? Read through some of       field is a very important char-  teammates talk about how
these attributes that a great    acteristic of a great team-      good the team is.
teammate would have and          mate.
reflect on whether you are                                              Obviously there are many
a great teammate or if you                7. Improvement -        other attributes that make
need to work on it.              Great teammates are always       up a great teammate. These
                                 looking for ways to improve      happen to be 10 of my favor-
         1. Selflessness -        their game. The best way to      ites. If you can read through
Great teammates are not          improve the team is to im-       the list and say that you do
selfish. Great teammates         prove yourself.                  all these things, chances are
don’t say “I” or “me”. Great                                      you are a great teammate.
teammates put the team first              8. Leadership - You
and say “we.”                    don’t have to be the best play-  Jon Ligrow
                                 er to be a leader. Great team-   Ligrow’s 24 Hr Fitness
         2. Accountability -     mates lead by example. They      ISSA Certified Trainer
Great teammates don’t look       take action because action       ISSA Certified Strength and
for excuses or for someone       speaks louder than words.        Conditioning Coach
to blame for a mistake made.
Instead, great teammates                  9. Respect - Great
take ownership and take re-      teammates respect coaches
sponsibility for their actions.  and other teammates. No mat-
                                 ter the role on the team great
         3. Communication        teammates make you feel
- Great teammates are open       good about your contribution.
and communicate on and
off the court/field with other            10. Humbleness -
teammates and coaches.           Great teammates aren’t ar-
                                 rogant and talk about how
         4. Trust - Great
teammates can be trusted to      Honda Snowblower    VISIT OUR LOCATION IN
do their job.
         5. Energy - Great                          989 W. Sanilac Rd.
teammates bring positive
energy to every practice and                          810-648-2404
game. There is no room for
negative energy.                                   TRICOUNTYEQUIPMENT.COM

         6. Integrity - What
you do when nobody is look-
ing is considered your integ-
rity. Having high moral stan-

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