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winning as a coach. Not because the court, hands down my favorite son? I love to create things. My Pinter-
it adds anything to my resume, but memory is when we won our District est addiction is real and I am always
because nothing beats watching my Volleyball Title last season. We had working on some form of a project. I
kids set goals and reach them. Vol- some adversity to overcome in the love working with wood or repurpos-
leyball wise, we shared the NCTL days before tournament play started. ing something someone would throw
Stars Division two years ago and this The team came together with a confi- away and turn it into something awe-
past season we won a District Title dence I hadn’t seen all season. Every some. My brother and I work really
and reached the Regional Final game now and then when you are around well together when it comes to this
which was only the second time in sports long enough you come across kind of stuff so whether its a project for
school history. In softball, we shared a magical run. We came together at myself, a family member or someone
the NCTL Stars Division Title two the right time and played our best sends me a picture of something and
seasons ago and this past season we stretch of volleyball until we ran into asks me if we can make it, we usually
won it outright. Hopefully past success the eventual state runner up in Fowler. always have something in the works.
can lead to more this season. However, one of the best things in my Bless him and his patience when I call/
opinion about being a coach is when text him “Hey, I have this crazy idea!”.
What have you learned from partici- you see your kids become amazing He helps me take what is in my head
pating in this sport/activity? People adults. It’s not about being “success- and make it happen in real life.
matter. Wins and success are nice but ful”, its seeing them navigate their
you rarely find either without the help paths, sometimes flawlessly and every Anything else you think we should
of others. Every member of a team now and then having to ask for direc- know about you? I’d like to think there
has an important role, a specific skill tions or look at a GPS. But no matter isn’t too much mysterious about me. I
set that will help the team as a whole the ease of the navigation, they make am passionate about the kids I coach,
improve. Every season provides new the best of the adventure because the kids I work with at school everyday
challenges for me as a coach as well they have learned how to successfully and the community we all call home.
as the players. The longer I coach, battle the highs and lows of life. I have worked hard in the last year or
the more I have come to realize that so at introducing leadership curricu-
relationships are critical to a team’s One tip for someone looking to get lum to our kids whenever possible to
success. I try to instill in my play- into this sport/activity: Show your team help prepare them for their path. My
ers that they need to show up each the real you, in today’s world it’s hard favorite color is blue, I love music and
and everyday giving their best effort to find things that are not airbrushed, movies. I geek out over Shark Week
not only for themselves but for their sugar coated or fake. In my experi- on the Discovery Channel. My favor-
teammates. If every player works their ence, success happens when your ite superheroes are Captain America
hardest, suddenly everyone is push- team knows what you stand for and and Wonder Woman. My car has a
ing each other. If you combine that why you stand for it. If they believe in setting that forces me to stop at any
with a team first attitude, that is when you, they will follow whatever crazy di- Starbucks I see…. my soul is happiest
you know you are apart of something rection you want to take them. I never when I have a book in my hand and
special. If that happens, the focus is claim to know everything, in fact I am I hear waves crashing. I find the best
on WE not ME, and that is the differ- always reading/learning about ways way to attack life is with humor, and I
ence between a successful season to be better, but my players always am blessed to have so many amazing
and a long, frustrating season. know that the heart of my coaching people in my life. I work hard everyday
philosophy is to help make them the to make them proud.
What do you like the most about the best people they can be.
sport/activity? I love being a part of
a team. When my high school sports Are there any other activities you
career was over I really struggled with love? If I am not coaching or talk-
adjusting to life without sports. Part ing sports, I can probably be found
of it was going from always having a watching sports. I try to support the
season to prepare for or a practice to other Cardinal sports teams during
attend, but what I found I missed most their seasons. On most Saturdays in
was the team aspect. The ability to the fall, you will find me in Ann Arbor
share the burden of the goal you are for Michigan Football games with my
fighting for with like minded people crew. I am a huge Michigan fan and
really was something I undervalued. find my way down there for other
Once I didn’t have that, I struggled sports multiples times a year as well.
to replicate it. What I found is that it I am always up for a great concert or
really cannot be replicated. To me, catching a movie. I usually always
coaching is as close as you can get to have a book I am reading, sometimes
that feeling. I always stress to my kids multiple depending on my mood. I
to not take that time for granted and love spending time with my family and
I work everyday to make their experi- friends on whatever crazy adventure
ence the best it can be. we find ourselves in next.
What is your favorite moment? On Where can we find you in the off sea-