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P. 12
Coaches corner Beth Hunter
Name: Beth Hunter Sponsored by Charmont in Cass
Sport/Activity: Varsity Volleyball Head City. Tom will be receiving a
Coach / Varsity Softball Assistant $25.00 Gift Certificate for dinner at
Coach Charmont.
School / Community: Kingston
Family: Parents - Robert and Marlene Dave Lester taught me what it means experience to have sat there listening
Hunter Brother - Jonathan Hunter to be passionate about a community to one of my idols speak about leader-
and a program. His pride is endless ship with some of my players next to
How long have you participated in and I try to bring that into my programs me.
this sport/activity? I played basketball, each season. Coach Jay Green taught
volleyball, and softball throughout my me the importance of being prepared Where does your team normally prac-
youth and high school sports career. I and having a game plan. Coach Dave tice? Thankfully due to our community
have been coaching for over 10 years. Green showed me that you can relate passing the bond, this fall may find
I am entering my 4th season as the to players outside of X’s and O’s and the practice situation a little bit more
Varsity Volleyball Coach, I spent 6 that is something I probably work my of an adventure. We are in the midst
seasons as a Varsity Girls Basketball hardest at and pride myself on, building of a gym renovation at the high school
Assistant Coach, and will spend my 4th relationships with my kids. Outside of as well as a having the elementary
season as the Varsity Softball Assistant sports, I am fortunate to have the very gym floor resurfaced so we had to get
Coach next spring. best support system. My family is my resourceful this summer and come up
rock and I am grateful they put up with with a Plan C and use the elementary
What do you love best about it? I love me at my best and my worst. They al- cafeteria. Hopefully we will be back in
team sports. To me, the best part about ways push me to be the best I can be. the high school gym soon. We cannot
sports is the feeling you get when you wait to see all the upgrades!
work with a group of people to reach Who do you idolize in this sport/activ-
the same goal. I love that sports can ity? I am constantly looking for ways to Have you traveled anywhere special
teach us life lessons as well as help improve myself as a person and as a related to this sport/activity? I’d love
to shape us into who we are. Whether coach. Coaching icons like Pat Sum- to say I am a world traveler or grand
you are in the midst of a winning streak mitt and Carol Hutchins have been explorer, but that wouldn’t be accurate.
or a losing streak (hopefully not too idols of mine for as long as I can re- My main goal as a coach is helping my
many) you are weathering the ride member. The trails that they blazed for kids improve everyday and whether we
with your team. I am a big believer females everywhere leaves me in awe. travel long distances or have to find a
that there is strength in numbers. It’s Not only with record breaking numbers way to practice in a cafeteria, we try to
a great analogy for life and how to of wins, but in the way they did it. They make the best of it together.
develop skills to be successful. showed women its ok to be dominant,
to set standards and they changed What awards or honors have you won?
Thinking back over the years, who is a the landscape in each of their sports. I was blessed as a player to win many
mentor or coach that helped you grow When you hear their former players championships in multiple sports with
as a coach or athlete? What made speak of them, the focus is rarely on my teammates, however nothing tops
them special? I have been blessed the wins and more about helping them
to grow up in this community play- grow as women. That is something that
ing for and coaching with some of the is a personal goal of mine. Wins on the
best coaches around. I always told court/field are great but when my kids
myself that if I ended up coaching that win at life, that’s where it’s at.
I would take the best lessons from
those I have been around and merge Have you met anyone famous in this
them with my own style. Growing up sport/activity? This past winter I was
playing for Coach Leon Kaniszewski, fortunate enough to attend the Women
I learned that it doesn’t matter how In Sports Leadership Conference put
small the town is you play for, you on by the MHSAA and the keynote
need to set lofty goals and work your speaker was Carol Hutchins and I was
tail off to meet them. He pushed me pretty star struck. She asked where I
not to settle and made me realize that was from and when I told her “Kings-
sometimes you have to work outside ton” she responded with “Oh yeah, up
your comfort zone to be success- by Traverse City”. I panicked and just
ful. He also had an uncanny knack to nodded. Of course hours later I had all
mix in humor with frequency which is kinds of witty comebacks in my head
something I try to do everyday. Coach that were entirely absent when I need-
ed them most. But it was an amazing
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