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P. 12
Coaches corner Mike Muron
Name: Mike Muron Sponsored by Charmont in Cass
Sport/Activity: Caro Var- City. Mike will be receiving a
sity Football $25.00 Gift Certificate for dinner at
School / Community: Caro Charmont.
High School
How long have you par- Have you traveled any- Corvette Rag top
ticipated in this sport/ac- where special related
tivity? 40 Years to this sport/activity? A Where can we find you in
Super Bowl the off season?
What do you love best Home or on a vacation
about it? Friday nights, What awards or honors my wiefe likes to travel
for me high school foot- have you won? None happy wife happy life.
ball, I can’t think of any- worth mentioning
place I would rather be Anything else you think
than on a game field. What have you learned we should know about
from participating in this you? I have been told I
Thinking back over the sport/activity? You get have a loud voice, I try
years, who is a mentor knocked down you gotta to talk a little softer but
or coach that helped you get back up. Life is 10% when it comes to football
grow as a coach or ath- of what happens to you my passion for the game
lete? What made them and 90% on how you re- takes over … sorry.
special? Coach Jim Mas- act.
sarang from Genesee,
his discipline on the way What do you like the
things have to be done, most about the sport/
what amazed me is he activity? Team work it is
won many champion- a beautiful thing when it
ships, he won with low all comes together.
What is your favorite mo-
Who do you idolize in this ment? My wedding day,
sport/activity? Jim Mes- if it wasn’t for my wife I
sarang. would not be living the
life I have been blessed
Have you met anyone with.
famous in this sport/ac-
tivity? Eric Hipple, Lem One tip for someone
Barney Mark Dantonio, looking to get into this
George Perles and a few sport/activity:.Patience
others. go to answer 9
Where does your team Are there any other ac-
normally practice? At tivities you love? Snow-
Caro mobling and working
on my car I have a 1968
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