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Sugar: The Health Food of the 1960s

   Sugar, fat, cholesterol, carbohy-         beverages (like soda) increase risk of        lifestyle factors. Insulin is a hormone
drates... what’s right and what’s wrong in   metabolic syndrome.3 Metabolic syn-           and that “tool” to take sugar from the
nutrition anymore can be incredibly dif-     drome is a cluster of abnormal functions      blood into the cells. There is a condition
ficult to decipher. Well, the sugar indus-   in the body. If three or more symptoms        called insulin resistance that is usually
try doesn’t make it any easier on you.       including high blood pressure, high           a precursor to type 2 diabetes. This
It can be found from multiple sources        blood sugar, excess body fat around           condition is initiated when the pancreas
that the sugar industry skewed research      the midsection, abnormal cholesterol,         (produces insulin) has to produce and
in Harvard studies to shift the blame of     and abnormal triglycerides occur this is      secrete more insulin than normal to
heart disease to saturated fat. That’s not   diagnosed as metabolic syndrome. This         control for high blood sugar levels or if
all, yet another Time Health article states  condition translates as an increased risk     there just isn’t enough insulin to accom-
that the sugar industry worked to dis-       for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.      modate blood levels. High blood sugar
courage a link between dental cavities                                                     levels can be caused by the intake of
and sugar.1 They may even be respon-            Beware of fruit juices. I would say        too much carbohydrate, especially sim-
sible for getting rid of research that may   that the sugar that we do take in should      ple sugars (think sweets, soda, juice) at
have put governmental regulations on         come from fruit and other natural sourc-      one time. So, while there is argument
sugar. Sources say there’s a long list       es, but fruit juices probably shouldn’t       as to whether or not sugar is the sole
of the different ways the sugar industry     be included. Many juices have added           cause diabetes, I feel that it’s not out of
has corrupt the studies that they fund.      sugars to make them even sweeter.             the question to say there is some con-
So, because of the way the research          Lucky for us, new food and nutrition          nection. Other links to insulin resistance
presented, sugar was thought to be a         label requirements are coming soon that       include obesity and physical inactivity.
major component of health in the 60 and      require the amount of added sugar to
70s. This resulted in ads for candy that     be listed on the label! Also, the fruit just      Effect on gut health. The microbiome
was “enriched” with dextrose (a form of      works better as the whole fruit. Most         is the colony of good and bad bacteria
sugar) or being a “good source” of dex-      fruits are a great source of fiber which is   that live within the body. As gross as it
trose. It was suggested that sugar could     necessary in the diet but not part of the     sounds, these bacteria are necessary
help you undereat, mothers were led          fruit juice.                                  for life. The make-up of the microbiome
to believe that sugar free drinks would                                                    is associated with both health and dis-
be depriving their children of energy,           Diabetes is directly related to how       ease states depending on what types of
and kids that were eating sugar weren’t      your body processes carbohydrates             bacteria are calling your body “home.”
fat, so sugar doesn’t make you fat and       and uses them for energy. Sugar is            The Journal of Nutrition took a deeper
actually leads to positive psychological     a simple carbohydrate that is readily         look into how sugar may affect the juve-
effects.2 Unfortunately, this information    used as fuel. There has been contro-          nile and adolescent rat populations.4 It
is terribly misrepresented.                  versy as to whether or not sugar is the       is important to note the significant role
                                             cause of diabetes. As mentioned above,        that the gut plays in overall health, even
   So, here’s what you need to know          sugar sweetened beverages have been           cognitive health. Based on this study
about sugar to make informed decisions.      shown to increase the risk of metabolic       that I mentioned, it is suggested that
                                             syndrome which does increase risk of          these alterations in the gut microbiome
   The Journal of the Endocrine Society      diabetes. But, diabetes needs to be           may be associated with metabolic and
just published an article in November of     explained to better this understanding.       cognitive disorders. Adult-based rodent
2017 suggesting that sugar sweetened         Type 1 diabetes is triggered by genetic       studies show shifts in the gut microbi-
                                             and other unknown factors. This is an         ome as well.
                                             autoimmune disease where your body
                                             doesn’t have the right tools or can’t             Artificial sweeteners (like saccharin
                                             produce the right tools to move the           and aspartame) may not be any bet-
                                             sugar out of the blood and into the cells.    ter. There are studies to suggest that
                                             Type 2 diabetes, however, is related to       artificial sweeteners are not related to

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