Page 30 - SFM FEB 2019 copy 4.indd
P. 30

The Legion hockey pro-      Laker schools, Bad Axe,
gram was started to give        Ubly, Deckerville, Sandusky,
hockey players in our area a    CrosLex, and Marlette. Once
chance to compete at a high-    we had the schools on board
er level than was available in  we petitioned the MHSAA to
the Thumb Area. Most kids       sanction us and when they
would like to play a school     agreed, our hockey program
sport and get the recogni-      was born. We held a tryout
tion that comes with that. To   and 23 players were taken
make it feasible we needed      at the tryout. We ended up
to bring several schools        with 20 players after a few
together in order to have       dropped out. 
enough players year in, and
year out, as well as not dam-       Representing Sandusky
age the other school sports,    are: Jared Coon, Wesley
such as basketball and wres-    Smith, Brandon Thomp-
tling that run concurrently     son, Brett Kartanys,  Josh
with hockey. The schools that   Smith, Broxton Davis, Riley
made the most sense were        Franzel, Tristan Tank,  Mi-
near the two hockey arenas      chael Kreger, and Casey
in Bad Axe and Sandusky.        Kirkpatrick.  The Laker  are
So we combined 7 schools:       represented by:  Preston

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