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Golf Season
It is March, and that means weather isn’t quite that warm Once I fell warmed up and
spring sports are starting up. In yet. I hit enough balls I head over
this article I want to talk about to the putting green. This is
golf practice. Golf is a very hard After you have done some where the most important part
sport to play and it takes a lot light stretching, start warming of the game is practiced. The
of practice to become a good up with the shortest iron first. short game is really hard to
golfer. Just like shooting a bas- This could be a wedge or a 9 teach because it takes a lot
ketball, a lot of repetitions will iron. Pick a target, go through of feel and touch to be good
make you a better shooter the your routine, and swing. Now, at it. This part of the game
same way hitting golf balls will you shouldn’t be able to go takes a ton of practice to get a
make you a better golfer. through a whole bag of balls feel for it and be good, which
in 10 minutes. If you do, you is why you should spend the
When I see golfers go out aren’t going through your rou- majority of your practice time
onto the driving range,the first tine on every shot. Just like here. I first start with some
thing they want to do is pull out a basketball player shoots a chipping around the green
the driver and start seeing how free throw, a golfer should go putting myself in different sce-
far they can hit the ball. First of through their entire set up for narios, shots, and distances.
all, accuracy will always trump every shot. You have to pretend After I feel comfortable with my
distance. I would much rather every swing you take is the chipping, I will then move on to
be fifty yards shorter than the swing you will take when you putting. When I put, I will start
guy next to me if it means I are on the golf course. Also, with short putts first, and slowly
am in the fairway as opposed be sure that you always have move back. Start with 2 feet
to behind tree or in the rough an aiming point. If you don’t away, then 4 feet, then 8 feet,
with a bad lie. When you go to know what you are aiming at, and finally some 15 footers.
the driving range, the first thing it’s going to be really hard to fix Again, just like on the driving
you should do is a little bit of anything with your swing. After range, make sure that you go
dynamic stretching. You should you have gone through some through your routine before
never start swinging as hard swings with your wedge, then very putt. This creates con-
as you can without warming up you can move up to a longer sistency, and makes sure you
first. This could possibly lead to iron, and eventually your driver. aren’t just rushing through the
an injury of some sort, especial- My typical routine would be to process. After I make a bunch
ly in the spring time when the hit wedge, 7 iron, 5 iron, and of putts from each distance
finally the driver.
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