Page 36 - SFM MAR 2019.indd
P. 36

by Hannah Boyl

       Breakfast Egg Muffin Recipe

Many times, people skip breakfast because mornings are too busy or they choose a breakfast meal that’s quick,
easy, and usually less than ideal in terms of nutritional content. It’s important to be sure that the first meal of
the day contains a good amount of protein and not too much sugar. Unfortunately, many of the breakfast foods
out there are full of added sugars and refined carbohydrates while lacking in protein.
This recipe not only has a good amount of protein, but the carbohydrates it provides are from vegetables which
also contain dietary fiber. There are plenty of vitamins and minerals in this recipe from the vegetables used as
well as the egg! Finding ways to include vegetables in every meal, even breakfast, is a great strategy to ensure
that you’re eating enough vegetables throughout the day and getting enough micronutrients and phytochemicals.
Another important note, in this recipe the whole egg is used, not just the egg white. Contrary to popular belief,
dietary cholesterol is not as concerning as once thought in relation to heart health AND the yolk provides a wide
variety of nutrients that can’t be found in the white of the egg.
I tend to use broccoli and bell peppers in this recipe, at times I’ll use tomatoes or mushrooms as well. Pick 2-3
different vegetables (ideally a variety of colors) to add to your egg muffins to add flavor, color, and nutrients!

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