Page 38 - SFM AUG 2019 copy 5.indd
P. 38

Setting Goals for Success By Hannah Boyl

         We’ve all set a goal before,    other co-workers? What are you           working with the previous example.
related to weight loss, exercise, our    doing? What’s the action and what        We’re taking our lunch to work so we
personal life, or even work. But do      are you working towards? Where are       don’t eat from the vending machines
you really know how to set a goal that   you going to complete this action? At    or fast food restaurants, but how do
will set you up for success? There is    home? At work? When is this going        we measure that? We should pick a
more to goal setting than just stating   to happen? Is this something you         certain number of days that we will
you want to do something. In fact, the   do daily? Is it done at a specific time   take our lunch. We could choose 1
desire to achieve something is only      each day? A certain number of days       day a week, 3 days a week, or even
the beginning. Too many of us are        each week?                               every day that we work that week.
setting goals that are leading us into                                            You can see how now that we put a
failure. Your goals are the first step             So, let’s think of an example.  number with the goal we can deter-
towards making desirable changes,        Someone’s goal is simply, “lose          mine a) if we achieved it or not over-
so do it right!                          weight.” That’s way too broad and        all and b) if we’re making progress
                                         definitely not specific. Let’s take a      based on our goal for the week and
         One of the best ways to de-     step back and ask, what are the          previous weeks or attempts at the
scribe adequate goal setting is using    steps to take in order to lose weight?   same behavior.
the SMART method. This means our         Well, you could exercise more, get
goals are Specific, Measurable, At-       more sleep, drink more water, or         Attainable
tainable, Relevant, and Timely. Any      change your diet somehow. Let’s go
goal I set for myself or my clients has  with diet, even this needs to become              Is this goal realistic for you? Is
these characteristics. Let’s take a      more specific. We narrow this down        packing your lunch 5 days this week
look at how to create these types of     to something like packing a lunch        out of the question? Maybe. What
goals.                                   for work to avoid we purchasing          about just 1 day? Can we manage
                                         unhealthy snacks from the vending        to throw something together and be
Specific                                  machines or fast food.                   prepared to pack a lunch once for
                                                                                  the whole week? Maybe we’re a little
         This is where your desirable    Measurable                               more confident but still don’t think
change comes in; what EXACTLY                                                     we can start off with 5 days, maybe
do you want to do? Who is involved?               How do you know if you’re       3 days is doable. This is huge factor
Is it just you? Your family? You and     making progress towards your goal        in success. If the goal you’re setting
                                         if you can’t measure it? Let’s keep      is above and beyond what’s feasible,
                                                                                  it will never work. Be kind to your-
                                                                                  self and ease your way into things,
                                                                                  change will come.
                                                                                  Don’t overwhelm yourself with goals
                                                                                  or changes to make. An example of
                                                                                  this would be deciding that next week
                                                                                  you’re overhauling your kitchen and
                                                                                  completely changing your eating
                                                                                  pattern. How likely is that to suc-

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