Page 8 - SFM NOV 2019 .indd
P. 8

Addison Stomack

      S & S Insurance Agency           Thirteen year old Addison Stomack’s journey started
Wayne R. Sayers and David W. Soper
                                    back in February when she was diagnosed with an adult
       1701 W. Caro Rd., Caro       ovarian cancer. She underwent an extensive surgery which
          (989) 673-5588            entailed a full hysterectomy. She then received six adult che-
                                    motherapy treatments. On the second treatment she had a        severe allergic reaction and stopped breathing, but after ad-
                                    ministering two epi pens she resumed breathing. The rest of
                                    the chemo treatments were rocky, but she pushed through
                                    them and finished her last treatment the end of July. In Sep-
                                    tember, Addison received the great news of remission. She
                                    will continue to have testing done every three months to
                                    make sure the cancer does not reoccur.

                                        September 20t h Addison was accepted to go on a PATH
                                    Hunt. PATH is an organization that provides hunts for kids
                                    and adults with life threatening disease, along with termi-
                                    nally ill individuals. Addison hunted and harvested a 19 point

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