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Coaches corner Bill Barkowska
                                 Sponsored by Charmont in Cass City.
                                 Tom will be receiving a $25.00 Gift Cer-
                                 tificate for dinner at Charmont.

Name: Bill Barkowska                      this sport/activity? I’ve met multiple   child’s development as a ball player.
Sport/Activity: Travel Baseball Coach     athletes over the years at camps
(Asst) Michigan Young Guns 12u            and clinics including Jack Morris,       What is your favorite moment? We
School / Community: North Branch          Dan Petry, Milt Wilcox and a number      have been very fortunate to win a
Family: Wife Karen and 2 sons Bren-       of other retired Tigers. I also got to   lot of games over the last 4 years.
dan 12 and Bryce 11                       hang for an evening with Brandon         I think the number is over 120 wins
                                          Beachy who was a starting pitcher        so far. But the one that stands out
How long have you participated in         for the Atlanta Braves.                  the most was the first tournament
this sport/activity? Four years with                                               win our team ever had by winning
the Michigan Young Guns but have          Where does your team normally            the tournament in what could be
coached anything from t-ball to var-      practice? We practice in Lum, just       described as a monsoon. Our boys
sity assistant for over 20 years.         south of North Branch.                   were literally playing in standing
                                                                                   water over their ankles and pouring
What do you love best about it? Be-       Have you traveled anywhere special       rain and loving every second of it.
ing around the kids. They don’t play      related to this sport/activity? We       The picture of them holding that first
for anything other than the love of       have traveled to tournaments all         trophy with smiles from ear to ear is
the game. It’s great to win but to see    over the state but our biggest jour-     something I’ll never forget.
them building lifelong friendships and    ney is yet to come as we travel to
passion for the game is better than       Cooperstown, New York this July to       One tip for someone looking to get
anything else.                            play at Cooperstown Dreams Park          into this sport/activity: Work hard
                                          where we will compete with 104           and play hard but remember that
Thinking back over the years, who is      teams from around the country.           they are kids. Don’t get so caught
a mentor or coach that helped you                                                  up in the winning and losing that you
grow as a coach or athlete? What          What awards or honors have you           forget to just enjoy the ride.
made them special? My dad worked          won? Our team has won numerous
with me most of my life to help me        tournaments over the years includ-       Are there any other activities you
be the man I am. He taught me the         ing 4 of 5 tourney championships         love? I enjoy hunting, fishing, golf-
value of hard work and the impor-         this year with our only loss being a     ing, bowling, attending U of M
tance of being reliable and a man of      4-3 extra inning loss in the champi-     football and basketball games. Of
my word. These attributes helped me       onship game. We have also been           course, this is all being done with my
to excel at sports in my youth. But       league champs 2 of the last 3 years      family in tow.
my high school baseball coach Curt        in the Greater Flint Baseball League.
Henderson is who I try to emulate as                                               Where can we find you in the off
a coach. He has been a mentor to          What have you learned from par-          season? At U of M stadium on Satur-
hundred of young men throughout his       ticipating in this sport/activity? The   days in the fall or at the Yens’ indoor
career. He is a member of the Michi-      importance of hard work, dedication,     hitting facility down the road from my
gan High School Baseball Coaching         having fun and being a part of some-     house beginning in January each
Hall of Fame and knows more about         thing that is bigger than myself. My     year. Other than that, I’m spending
baseball than anyone I’ve ever met. I     family and my baseball family have       time with my family or working as an
will never be the coach he was but if     become one over the last 4 years.        Assistant Principal at the Ruth Fox
I can teach the boys anywhere near                                                 Middle School in North Branch.
what he taught me, it will be a re-       What do you like the most about
warding career.                           the sport/activity? I really enjoy the
                                          camaraderie amongst the boys.
Who do you idolize in this sport/activ-   They are excited, energetic, and a
ity? Coach Henderson has integrity.       lot of fun to be around. They love to
It didn’t matter if you were the best or  play the game and I love to be a part
worst player on the team, the rules       of it. I also enjoy getting to coach my
applied to everyone. Not only did he      own son. I coached other people’s
teach us about baseball but he taught     kids for almost 20 years and enjoyed
us about life.                            every second of that but it doesn’t
                                          compare to being a part of your own
Have you met anyone famous in

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