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15 Benefits of Exercise That Aren’t Related to Weight Loss or Looking Good
By: Hannah Boyl
Mission 1 Fitness and Performance
There is a list of excuses peo- core, back, neck, spine, etc., that Control and Prevention, states that
ple use when they talk about how have to hold you up all day. Help in 2015 we spent $3.2 trillion (yeah,
they choose not to participate in them out a little bit and strengthen with a T) in health expenditures.
physical activity. Some of these them. Having weak core muscles That’s almost $10,000 per person.
might be: I don’t need to lose can lead to many problems down 9. Improves self-confidence and
weight, I don’t have time, I don’t want through the hips and the knees and self-esteem. This is an easy one.
to look muscle-y, or they just don’t up through your spine. Training this You’re gonna feel a lot better if you
think it’s going to benefit them. central group of muscles is more im- are active, productive, and improving
Like seriously?! You think you don’t portant than just to have a 6-pack. yourself and your health compared
need this in your life?! Well, here are to sitting around, watching those
15 reasons why EVERYONE needs 5. More energy. Who doesn’t want around you improve.
to be physically active. more energy?! That’s a silly ques-
tion. Exercise causes blood vessels 10. Avoid broken bones and osteo-
1. Exercise can help you to dilate, which allows more blood porosis. Weight-bearing exercise
sleep. Slight disclaimer here: For and oxygen to the muscles that are puts a necessary stress on your
those of you that want to try to get working. This process isn’t only work- bones that make them stronger. The
better sleep, try working out in the ing while you exercise, but you’ll also strain that is placed on the body is
morning or early afternoon. Due to feel the effects afterward and have a actually necessary for the formation
the chemical changes that happen in boost of energy for rest of the day. of new bone. This new bone adds to
the body and the brain, working out and increases the strength of what is
in the evening may actually keep you 6. Stay focused. The brain has an already there increasing something
awake at night. Everyone is different easier time staying focused in those called bone mineral density. The
though, find the time that best fits who exercise regularly. Why is this? denser your bone is, the harder it
your body and your schedule. Blood flow is improved with exercise. will be to break and as you inevitably
Blood carries oxygen. The brain lose bone density as you age, you’ll
2. Stress Relief. Exercise is one of needs oxygen to function. A sufficient have more to spare or lose less
the best stress relievers out there. oxygen supply is allowing the brain based on how much you build up
What’s better than a good kickboxing to have better function. Again with and if you’re still active.
class or spending an hour to yourself the chemicals, hormones are opti-
in the gym when you’re frustrated. mized with regular exercise, which 11. Decrease blood glucose (sugar)
Getting “in the zone” will help you get also helps the brain function. Have a and further prevent diabetes. The
out of that stressed mindset. There’s big test or presentation coming up? extravagant increase in diabetes in
science behind it too, during exer- Exercise for about 20 minutes before- recent years is one of the reasons
cise the brain produces endorphins, hand, it helps! why we need to steer clear of pro-
natural stress-fighters. cessed foods and refined sugars.
7. You’ll live longer. Exercise, the To better explain how this works, I
3. Endorphins. So, more about the fountain of youth! Exercise is over- have to give you a little background
natural stress relievers mentioned in all just good for the body. There are on the science. Insulin is the hor-
the last point. Long story short, your countless medical issues and dis- mone that lets sugar into your cells.
brain makes drugs when you exer- eases that can be prevented or have In diabetes, there is an issue with
cise. They’re legal, they’re natural, a decreased risk with regular exer- insulin that causes the body’s cells
and they make you feel good. Win- cise. (See the points below for more to not respond as well or there just
Win-Win! Endorphins along with oth- details on some of these disease isn’t enough insulin floating around
er chemicals released into the brain states.) to take care of all the sugar. This
during exercise, help us feel good. can be due to a number of factors
They can block the pain and discom- 8. You’ll save money. Sure, now you that just mess up the whole pro-
fort some may feel during exercise, may be paying for a gym member- cess. When you exercise, your cells
this is the cause behind a “runner’s ship, a group fitness class fee, or actually become more sensitive to
high.” And not only is this process home gym equipment, BUT not only insulin, allowing it to do its job bet-
working on your brain during exer- are you getting all the benefits I’m ter, for up to 24 hours. That reduces
cise, it continues after as well leaving listing, you’re saving yourself from the amount of sugar floating in the
you with a better overall mood. those diseases and health condi- bloodstream and you’ll avoid all of
tions I keep mentioning and therefore the damage and junk that comes
4. Improves posture. Good posture lowering your future health costs. Ac- along with high blood sugar.
is directly related to strong muscles. cording to the Centers of Disease
Think of all those muscles in your 12. Exercise can prevent or improve
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