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heart disease.  Living a sed-        your day.                                                  for disease, decreasing your quality
                                                                                                of life, and letting your skin age, don’t
entary and inactive lifestyle is     At first, any improvement in physical ac-                  exercise....EVER.

one of the top five risk factors tivity is good. Move at your own pace, and                     Joe Stewart, MSW, CF-L2, USAW L2
for heart disease. The stimula- no matter what you’re doing, or how slow                        Mission 1 Fitness LLC
                                                                                                1900A W. Caro Rd.
tion of nitric oxide can keep the you have to go, know you’re helping your                      Caro, MI 48723
                                                                                                (989) 553-1044
blood vessels open. Increased body and becoming a healthier you.                      
                                                                                                Mission 1 Apparel
exercise can also increase car-                                                       

diac output, meaning the heart       If you would rather be sleepless,

is better at pumping blood.          stressed and unhappy, with poor posture,

                                     no energy, while you’re unable to stay

13. Reduce risk of cancer. Any- focused, living a short life, paying loads of

one that has had or knows            medical bills, having lack any self-confi-

someone that has had cancer dence or self-esteem, increasing your risk

knows that it sucks. There is

evidence to show that physically

active people are less likely to

get certain types of cancer. If

you’re a cancer survivor, there

is evidence of benefit for you


14. Improve the quality of
life.  I’m not sure how many of
you are looking 20-50 years
down the road, but you should
be! Exercising regularly and
having an increased amount
of muscle to support you as
you grow older will make you
risk for falls or accidents de-
crease. Plus, it makes it more
likely that you’ll be able to main-
tain your lifestyle well into your
older years; think being able to
travel, interacting with family,
and staying healthy. It becomes
harder to gain and maintain
muscle mass as we age, so
start now!

15. May help with skin
health. Exercise... and your
skin?! It may be surprising,
but it really does make sense.
Oxidative stress to your body
can damage your skin. Moder-
ate activity levels actually help
your body produce natural
antioxidants which combat this
oxidative stress. Essentially,
it will delay the appearance of
skin aging. 

   Okay, there you have it, 15                                                                  July 2018 SPORTS FINEST MAGAZINE • 15
benefits of exercise that aren’t
related to weight loss or looking
good. All of these may not apply
to you, but there are amazing
reasons to exercise and it is
totally worth it to find time in

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