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Name- Emily Ann Schaub
Family- Foster, Melissa, Olivia,
and Alexandra Findlay, Travis,
Jenny, TJ, and Trey Barnes.
School Marlette High School Emily Schaub
Sport Track and Field
What do you love best about place), Sprinter Award, 1st Team All Conference in the 100m
track/the sport in general? I hurdles, 300m hurdles, 400m Relay, and High Jump Sophomore
love that your fate as an athlete Year: All State in the 100m hurdles (3rd place), 1st Team All
is in your hands. Unless you’re Conference in the 400m relay, 100m hurdles, 300m hurdles, and
in a relay, you don’t have to High Jump Junior Year: All State in the 100m hurdles (3rd place),
depend on anyone else during 1st Team All Conference in the 100m Hurdles, 300m Hurdles,
your event. You choose how and High Jump, Hurdler Award Senior Year: All State in the 300m
hard to work in practice. You Hurdles (4th place), Long Jump (4th place), and the 100m Hur-
choose how hard to push your- dles (1st place), 1st Team All Conference in 100m Hurdles, 300m
self during a race. You choose Hurdles, High Jump, and Long Jump
whether or not you want to suc-
ceed. What have you learned from participating in the sport? I have
learned how to push myself past my comfort zone and that it’s
What is your favorite mo- okay to hurt. I also learned that the more effort you put in at prac-
ment? Winning the 100m tice, the more prepared you are for meets.
Hurdles at the Division 3 State
Meet my senior year. What is one tip for someone thinking of going into the sport?
Try it. Even if you “hate running,” track has an event for every-
What awards or honors have one. The worst that could happen is you don’t like it, but if you
you won? Varsity letter x 4 All work hard at practice and listen to what your coach is telling you,
conference Scholar Athlete x then you will be surprised at what you can accomplish.
4 MVP x 4 Freshman Year: All
State in the 100m hurdles (5th Who is a mentor or coach that helped you grow as an athlete?
Andrew Storm and my Coach, Cathy Storm.
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