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“It’s hard, especially when       transition to middle distance, as she said the 400 has been her favorite
you’re in meets where you don’t       race since she was in middle school. She’s also self aware, and said
have someone pushing you,”            she has a better chance to get her 400 and 800 times to a level where
she said. “It’s definitely hard       she can compete in college, as opposed to her 100 and 200 times.
when you’re racing against the        “Coming from a small town, the shorter distances I did really well in,
clock. I’m not the most person-       so that’s what I did,” she said. “I talked to college coaches, and they
ally motivated person, so my          started explaining what most 400 runners do – they go up.”
dad has to be standing there at
around the 300-meter mark, and            Twiss believes the potential is there for Hanson to transition to the
he has to scream at me. That          800 and be successful. He also believes the 400 is where she’s at her
motivates me. I have to have          best, and that could lead to another trip to the top of the MHSAA po-
someone there motivating me.”         dium in June.
She also has her eye on a new         “She’s like a gazelle when she gets out there and goes,” he said.
race, as at Saginaw Valley the        “She’s such a natural middle sprinter, or like I call them, long sprints.
plan is for her to transition to      She’s capable of running an upper 56-second (400 meters). If she does
middle distance and add the 800       that, that will win it.”
meters to her repertoire. She ran
it once as a junior, and will try it                   Paul Costanzo served as a sportswriter at The Port Huron
a little more this season as op-                       Times Herald from 2006-15, including three years as lead sports-
portunities present themselves.                        writer, and prior to that as sports editor at the Hillsdale Daily
“I still think (team) points wise,                     News from 2005-06. He can be reached at paulcostanzo3@
I’m going to have to run the                  with story ideas for Genesee, Lapeer, St. Clair, Sani-
200,” Hanson said. “But I’ll                           lac, Huron, Tuscola, Saginaw, Bay, Arenac, Midland and Gladwin
definitely run (the 800) more                          counties.
than last year. I’ll be able to run
it more because my sister (Juli-
ana) is here now, and she’s fast,
too, so she’ll be able to take over
the 100.”

    Hanson is excited about the

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