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Alexandra Hanson
By most any standard, Alex- just do it next year.’ I definitely because her motivation seems to
had the completely wrong mind- be totally different this year.”
andra Hanson had a tremendous set. I think I got comfortable and Hanson spent much of her sum-
junior track season. was not pushing myself like I mer going through workouts she
should have. had taken from the Saginaw Val-
The Brown City star didn’t lose ley coaching staff and her other
a 100, 200 or 400-meter race in a “I’m trying to take it as a les- college visits. She ran cross
dual or tri meet, and only finished son learned. Take it as a posi- country for Brown City in the fall,
lower than second twice prior to tive.” and in the winter she continued
the MHSAA Lower Peninsula Divi- Hanson’s disappointment has to run, albeit mostly on a tread-
sion 3 championships, where she fueled her this offseason, as she mill.
was all-state in all three events – looks to finish her high school
fifth in the 200 and 400, and eighth career strong and transition to “I feel like I’m in better shape
in the 100. Saginaw Valley State University, than where I was a year ago,”
where she will run collegiately. Hanson said. “Every time I’m
That great season was not up While the Green Devils don’t like, ‘I don’t feel like running to-
to the standards of one very im- have a meet scheduled until April day,’ I tell myself, ‘Well, you don’t
portant person, however – Hanson 10, and practices have been want to be like last year.’”
– and not just because she was hampered by early-spring weath-
coming off a sophomore season er, the difference in Hanson can Hanson’s success this season
that saw her win a Division 4 title already be seen by those who won’t be measured in how many
in the 400 and finish second in the know her best. times she crosses the finish line
200. first – although if she is success-
“When she won the state, she ful in meeting her goals, she’ll do
“I just feel like I should have didn’t run again until we started that plenty.
at least improved a little from my track practice the next year,
previous year, and I didn’t,” said and right in the middle of track She’s eyeing her personal
Hanson, who didn’t match any of season, she got a really bad best times – 58.03 seconds in
her personal records as a junior. “I cold and missed two or three the 400, 26.01 in the 200 and
know that was because I didn’t do meets,” Brown City coach Don 12.71 in the 100 – meaning she’ll
anything during the winter. I was Twiss said. “When you’re an elite spend most of her season run-
runner, you have to stay at that ning against the clock. Fortunate-
just super naive about it. I thought, training level, you can’t afford to ly for her, this is something she’s
‘I won a state championship, I can take that amount of time off. I’m grown accustomed to, as many
excited about her this year, just of her races aren’t particularly
close throughout the season.
38 • Sports Finest Magazine June 2018 989 545 0735